Why is it that every time a lunatic goes on a massacre, the left immediately start with the ‘it must be a right-wing lunatic’ bit? We heard it with:
Gabby Giffords shooting – It must have been Sarah Palin’s ‘target-like’ icons on her web page that caused this. Keith Olbermann thought that maybe O’Reilly and other conservatives should be held partly responsible. Paul Krugman decided it was a Tea Partier. Seriously?? Actually, the maniac behind that was Jared Loughner, who left behind a manifesto endorsing Hillary Clinton for President, defends Barack Obama, agrees with gun control, and left a litany of praise for several leftist political propagandists. Sure doesn’t sound like a right-winger to me! He bought his gun and ammunition legally. Though he seemed to certainly have mental health issues, he had never been declared mentally unfit by a court so it’s doubtful that an extended background check would have even slowed him down.
Treyvon Martin’s shooting – Immediately it was blamed on a racist right-winger, before any facts at all were known. AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker said it is “conservative, right-wing policies that are to blame” for Trayvon Martin’s death. She was referring to the “Stand Your Ground” bill, which is not a conservative policy. The bill was passed in Florida with 100% unanimous senate approval. Every Democrat, save one who abstained from the vote, voted for the bill. Then, NBC gets caught red-handed doctoring the 911 tape to fit their leftist agenda. Not only is Trayvon Martin’s shooter not a racist, he was a registered Democrat! Whether or not Mr. Zimmerman shot in self defense is for the jury to decide, but whatever they decide, it had nothing whatsoever to do with a right-winger, a racist, or the Stand Your Ground bill. Zimmerman bought his gun and ammunition legally, and had a conceal & carry permit. An extended background check would have done nothing whatsoever to stop this tragedy.
Colorado Movie Theater shooting – Brian Ross, of ABC, explained that the alleged shooter, James Holmes, was a Tea Partier. Wrong! James Holmes described himself as having “middle of the road” political leanings. That’s a long way from a conservative. Peter Dreier of www.truth-out.org says that it’s Wayne LaPierre’s fault because LaPierre, like many Americans, advocates gun ownership, the “Stand Your Ground” law, and concealed carry. Mr. LaPierre is the Executive Vice President of the NRA (National Rifle Association). When did the media start blaming anyone other than the actual perpetrator of a crime? It’s seriously getting ridiculous. To be fair, an extended background check may have prevented this tragedy.
Boston Marathon Explosion – Before the blood of the victims had even begun to dry, Chris Matthews started blathering about how “ … domestic terrorist people tend to be on the far right …”. Which terrorist(s) is he referring to, exactly? As if that weren’t bad enough, enter David Sirota, writing for Salon.com, who wrote a piece stating, in part, that white men are usually behind “those shootings” actually titled his article “Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American”. As we know now, the bombers are not right-wing, they are Chechnyan (Chechen?), Muslim terrorists. Wow, that’s a huge surprise. And, I heard this week that they didn’t have the permits for the guns they used, either! Can you imagine that? Muslim terrorists didn’t care about the gun laws? That background check law would’ve surely stopped these guys, right?
Joseph Stack flew his plane into the IRS building in Austin, Texas – He was angry at the IRS and was as far away from right-wing as I think you could get. That didn’t stop Chris Rovzar of New York Magazine from proclaiming
He was mad at the IRS, and left what CNN reports was a suicide note on a local website, detailing his trials with the agency. In fact, a lot of his rhetoric could have been taken directly from a handwritten sign at a tea party rally.He left behind a manifesto that blamed capitalism, President Bush, the healthcare system, government and the IRS. Naturally, the leftist media decides that since he railed against the government, healthcare and the IRS, he MUST be a right-winger/tea partier. Wrong again!
Amy Bishop opened fire on her colleagues in Alabama – It didn’t take long before we heard the same ole, same ole from the left. Reuters Foundation Fellow Jonathan Curiel wondered aloud “Does racism explain the tenure shooting and the Tea Party movement? Amy Bishop was a liberal to the core. She was described as being a “far left political extremist obsessed with President Obama”.
James Lee took hostages at the Discovery Communications Headquarters – Thinkprogress, a typical leftist website, wrote that Lee’s manifesto bore a “troubling resemblance” to “anti-immigrant” groups. If you actually took the time to read the manifesto, you couldn’t help but come to the conclusion that he was a crazy ass eco-terrorist who thought humans needed to die to save the planet. Yep, sounds like a Tea Partier to me!
Faisal Shahza attempted to bomb Times Square – New York City’s Mayor Bloomberg said the perpetrator was probably ”a mentally deranged person or somebody with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health-care bill or something.” Robert Dryfuss of The Nation said the bomber was “either a lone nut job or a member of some squirrely branch of the Tea Party, anti-government far right. Which actually exists in Connecticut, where, it seems, the car’s license plates were stolen.” Not to be outdone, the Daily KOS (big surprise!) joined in the bash-fest with
The reality is that in this country there seem to be essentially two scenarios that can unfold at this point when we hear about terrorism, two kinds of people/groups that typically end up being involved. And that says quite a lot in and of itself. If I were the Tea Partiers, I wouldn’t be too quick to dwell on the question of why Americans might think they’re involved in terrorism. I don’t think that’s a discussion that’s going to go well for them.I bet you can figure out where this is going, can’t you? Maybe the perp’s name gave it away? Yep, he’s a Muslim terrorist.
It seems every time there’s a tragedy with a perp behind it, the left starts with their blame the right game. I know there have been right-wing nutjobs who took lives due to their ideology, but there haven’t been many. There most certainly havn’t been nearly as many as the left would like you to believe.
Wake up America! You’re being lied to over and over again by the media, Hollywood, even the pResident! Hmm, maybe I should tackle Oblamers list of lies next. What do you think?
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