Saturday, June 30, 2018

A Conservative's Impression of the Liberal Mind

I came across this quote a year or so ago but have no clue who wrote it, so if you do, please leave me a comment so that I can attribute it to him/her.

“Arguing with liberals is like playing chess with a pigeon. It doesn’t matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around the table looking victorious.”

I check quite a few conservative websites/news sites/blogs, etc. daily and I force myself to check a few left leaning sites a few times a week. I seriously do not understand the leftist mindset.

I read about a study that came out a few days ago proving that there is an actual brain composition difference between the conservative and the liberal brains. Considering that I am dumbfounded by how liberals can actually think the way that they do, I am inclined to believe it.

I was watching a YouTube video earlier today in which Piers Morgan argued with Dana Loesch about gun control. You can find the YouTube video here.

He asked her “ … is there any reason why a civilian would need a magazine clip, uh, magazine drums as it is now, of a 10 round limit or more?” Her reply was that she had just read a story today in which a man was attacked by a “gang of men” with bats and tire irons. His response? “What’s the point of that, of that anecdote?” Uhm …Piers, do you not recall the question you JUST asked her, to which she is now replying?? Hello?? Then he goes on to say “But Dana, Dana, why do you tell that story?”

Then he says that he’s watched the video of the attack, that the victim was attacked with “a bar of some sort” (remember, it’s a tire iron!!), and says “ … but he’s alive, he didn’t get killed.” He asks her if her “suggestion” is that “someone should’ve pulled a gun out and shot somebody.” Well, apparently he’d rather be beaten with bats and tire irons, but I will tell you right now, if I’m attacked in the middle of the street by a gang of men wielding weapons of any type, I’m not going to think twice – damn straight I’d shoot!

And about gun control, would you give me a break with your red herrings! Shut up about tanks, that is not even part of the discussion you nitwit! The simple FACT is that tightened gun control has not lessened crime in any state that has tightened them. Another simple FACT is that a criminal, or a mentally deranged person, is not going to give a damn about the law. The only people who are going to care are your law-abiding citizens, who will then be without protection (oh, wait, we could use our whistle!!) when the lawless attack us.

I seriously don’t understand how the left brain works. I go to the left blog comments and it’s full of hate and vitriolic diatribe aimed at the hateful, government hating, intolerable, racist right. I read the right blog comments and, though there are always ass wipes in every group, the vitriol is aimed more at why and how than who.

Most of the hate-filled, mean, filthy stuff said on conservative forums is directed toward leftist “trolls”. Maybe that’s rose-colored glasses, but I’m tellin’ ya, I seriously see a huge difference in the way that people are talked about between the left and the right.

Most of the hate-filled, mean, filthy stuff said on progressive/liberal forums is directed at everyone who doesn’t see things their way. Who’s the intolerable one again?

Stop with the red herrings and the name calling already. Act like civilized, mature adults. I can absolutely guarantee that you aren’t going to get me to even listen to your point of view if you can’t stick to the facts. Start with the leftist ploys of distract and attack and the “argument” is over. You lose.


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